& Maria Gamsjaeger

With the founding of the Lable Mount Marga in 2023, I have started a solo project that brings together my fascination for clay and my love of everyday objects.

My path began with a degree in interior design in Italy. Being dissatisfied with the purely commercial orientation of design, I needed to understand spaces from a social-artistic perspective and studied stage design at the Berlin University of the Arts. Spaces and objects hold our stories and shape our everyday lives, connecting us to the past and inspiring our future. These dimensions of my training can also be felt in my ceramic works.

My focus has shifted from spatial design concepts to the object in our hands. This was followed by an increasing shift from intellectual construction to working by hand with all its sensual aspects.

I work for individual commissions and collaborate with partners who value and seek the poetry of things beyond mass production.

A deep human need is satisfied as hands create and bring something into the world.

Mount Marga creates small series of handmade ceramics. Each object is created on the wheel or built by hand. This results in countless small variations and each shape is unique, created in the moment. The function and feel determine the design and are key factors in whether the objects will be used and love in everyday lives.